Buying a House in 2024: What to Expect Housing Market

The housing market is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging to predict what the future holds for potential homebuyers. However, with the current state of the market and emerging trends, we can make some educated guesses about what buying a house in 2024 might look like.

In this article, we’ll explore the current housing market, analyze emerging trends, and make predictions about what to expect when buying a house in 2024.

The Current State of the Housing Market

Before we can make predictions about the future, we must first understand the current state of the housing market.

Rising Prices and Low Inventory

The housing market has been on an upward trend for the past few years, with home prices steadily increasing and inventory levels remaining low. This has created a competitive market for buyers, with bidding wars and multiple offers becoming the norm.

According to the National Association of Realtors, the median existing-home price for all housing types in June 2021 was $363,300, up 23.4% from June 2020. Additionally, the inventory of homes for sale in June 2021 was down 18.8% from the previous year.

Low Mortgage Rates

One positive aspect of the current housing market is the historically low mortgage rates. As of August 2021, the average interest rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 2.87%, according to Freddie Mac. This has made homeownership more affordable for many buyers, despite the rising home prices.

Emerging Trends in the Housing Market

While it’s impossible to predict the future with certainty, there are some emerging trends in the housing market that can give us an idea of what to expect in 2024.

Continued Rise in Home Prices

Experts predict that home prices will continue to rise in the coming years, albeit at a slower pace than in recent years. According to a survey by Zillow, economists and real estate experts predict that home prices will increase by 6.2% in 2021 and 4.1% in 2022.

This means that by 2024, home prices could be significantly higher than they are now, making it more challenging for buyers to afford a home.

Increase in Remote Work

Remote workThe COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to adopt remote work policies, and this trend is likely to continue even after the pandemic is over. This has led to an increase in demand for homes in suburban and rural areas, as people no longer need to live close to their workplace.

In 2024, we can expect to see more people working remotely, which could lead to a shift in housing demand and prices in certain areas.

Rise of Gen Z Homebuyers

As the oldest members of Gen Z enter their mid-20s, they will become a significant force in the housing market. This generation is known for its tech-savviness and desire for homeownership, which could lead to an increase in demand for smart homes and sustainable features.

Additionally, Gen Z is more diverse than previous generations, which could lead to a more diverse housing market in terms of location and housing preferences.

Predictions for Buying a House in 2024

Based on the current state of the housing market and emerging trends, here are some predictions for what buying a house in 2024 might look like.

Continued Rise in Home Prices

As mentioned earlier, home prices are expected to continue rising in the coming years. This means that by 2024, home prices could be significantly higher than they are now, making it more challenging for first-time buyers to enter the market.

However, this could also mean that homeowners who bought in 2021 or 2022 could see a significant increase in their home’s value by 2024, making it a good investment.

Increased Demand for Smart Homes and Sustainable Features

As Gen Z becomes a significant force in the housing market, we can expect to see an increase in demand for smart homes and sustainable features. This generation is known for its tech-savviness and desire for environmentally-friendly options, which could lead to a shift in the housing market.

Builders and sellers may need to adapt to this demand by incorporating smart home technology and sustainable features into their homes to attract buyers.

More Competitive Market for Buyers

With the rise in home prices and low inventory levels, the housing market is expected to remain competitive for buyers in 2024. This means that buyers may need to be prepared for bidding wars and multiple offers, as well as being flexible with their housing preferences.

Additionally, buyers may need to act quickly when a desirable property becomes available, as it could be snatched up by another buyer in a matter of days.

Tips for Buying a House in 2024

While the housing market in 2024 may be challenging for buyers, there are some steps you can take to prepare yourself for the process.

Start Saving Early

SavingsWith home prices expected to continue rising, it’s essential to start saving for a down payment as early as possible. This will not only help you afford a home in 2024, but it will also give you a better chance of getting approved for a mortgage with a lower interest rate.

Research the Market

It’s never too early to start researching the housing market in your desired location. Keep an eye on home prices and inventory levels to get an idea of what to expect in 2024. This will also help you determine which areas are more affordable and where you may have a better chance of finding a home within your budget.

Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

In a competitive market, having a pre-approval for a mortgage can give you an advantage over other buyers. This shows sellers that you are a serious buyer and have the financial means to purchase their home.

Additionally, getting pre-approved will give you a better idea of how much you can afford to spend on a home, which can help narrow down your search.


Buying a house in 2024 may be more challenging than it is now, but with the right preparation and research, it’s still possible to achieve homeownership. Keep an eye on the housing market and emerging trends, and start saving and researching early to give yourself the best chance of success.

For more information, visit Apzo Media

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